Welcome to Parvati - Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga, Soul Sound.
I am trained & experienced in holistic massage techniques and ayurveda. I am a yoga & meditation teacher, too.
I spent many months in India to learn and experience ayurveda with various doctors in Kerala.
In Rishikesh, I spent time in a traditional ashram to dive deep into yoga, meditation and chanting.
Ayurveda is my passion. I combine an intuitive mix of classic massage, ayurvedic techniques, marma massage and energetic bodywork.
My work involves herbs, plant essences and nutrition/food as well as ayuvedic cooking.
I love to give online-counsellings about your body type (constitution) and the philosophy of food according to ayurvedic principles.
Fancy an intuitive card reading? Go for it.
♡ More info here will follow soon. I invite you to check out the German version of my website.
There are plenty of photos that may speak to you. ♡
Feel free to contact me anytime for info or price inquiries: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.
With love ♡
Here is an intro video...Wait till I show up on this sofa after a few secs... 🙃
Photos: Alexander Brandl
except last photo: Simone Friese
video: Parvati
oracle cards: "The starseed oracle"
by Rebecca Campbell (author) & Danielle Noel (art work),
Hay House publishing